23 January 2009


  • 1200 B.C. small pox killed pharaoh Ramses V.
  • Spanish decimated the Aztecs in the 16th century.
  • Edward Jenner found a vaccination for smallpox in 1796.
  • WHO vaccination program in 1950. WHO declared small pox eradicated in 1980

Structure of viruses and its classification:

  • Smallpox and vaccinia belongs to a group of viruses called orthopoxvirus.
  • Largest family of viruses.
  • has a unique oval shape.
  • Antigenically complex.
  • can remain stable in air for hours.
  • linear dsDNA.
Viral disease and host defense:

  • can attack humans only.
  • can be spread by respiratory secretions.
  • always associated with skin lesions.
  • at least 9 pox viruses cause disease in humans.
  • 12-7 days of incubation.
  • influenza-like symptoms initially .
  • characteristics pustules.
  • scarring of skins.
  • neurological damage.
  • blindness
  • death
Molecular biology research and viral therapy:

  • Edward Jenner was the one that found the vaccination for small pox. he used cowpox from milkmaids and vaccinated 8 year old James Phipps. he then challenged smallpox.
  • vaccinia can be evolved from cowpox or smallpox. they can also be used as a vector.
  • smallpox can be eradicated because there is no other reservoir for the virus other than humans.
  • the virus causes only acute infection from which the patients dies, or he obtains lifelong immunity.
  • the virus is also an effective immunogen.
  • the virus is not infectious during incubation but during its symptoms.
  • it can be spread by aerosol or air droplets.
  • best defense is vaccination.
Other uses of poxviridae:

  • smallpox is used by terrorists to cause an outbreak in countries that they intend to terrorize.

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